What did you get for Christmas?
I got beer.
Jealous yet?
You may not think beer to be as cool and sexy as say, an ereader tablet (I got one of those, too), or the one pound Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup (yup). And you might think beer might not be the best gift for a DIY homebrewer, but you’d be totally wrong. I love beer, and I’m always on the lookout for new beer styles and better beers.
And this year, I might have gotten the Best Beer Ever.
Aren’t you just dying to know?
It’s not what you think. It all depends on individual taste. My Best Beer Ever is probably not your Best Beer Ever. And it has almost nothing to do with the beer itself.
Sometimes, the Best Beer Ever is a Bud Light, served in a plastic cup, alongside a hotdog with extra mustard, while sitting in the bleachers of Fenway Park. Or it could be a bottle of Rheingold’s served in a Romanian steakhouse in NYC during one of my best friend’s bachelor party. Sometimes, it’s the beer you made from scratch, with your own two hands, idiot grin on your face as you add bacon and coffe to the brew. (More on that later.)
In other words, the very Best Beer Ever is not just a beer, it’s also a situation, a setting, a slice of time, in which beer and happiness meld together, forming a kind of perfection.
This Christmas, I got to spend the day with my family, watching my daughter open presents, helping my wife cook a ham dinner, eating and drinking, with some of the Best Beer Ever (a spiced winter ale, by the way, and it was fantastic). And now, with my brother-in-law in town for just one more night, I’m planning on splitting a geuze lambic with him before he leaves.
I have a feeling it might be the Best Beer Ever.
On a slightly different note, even the Best Beer Ever might not be the best present I got this year. My personal fav might just be a bottle of floor cleaner. It's called "Dave," is eco-friendly, and has the silohette of a man holding a child on the bottle. Check it out:
On a slightly different note, even the Best Beer Ever might not be the best present I got this year. My personal fav might just be a bottle of floor cleaner. It's called "Dave," is eco-friendly, and has the silohette of a man holding a child on the bottle. Check it out:
Best Floor Cleaner Ever.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Happy New Year, everyone!